Embed in Email
With Revnite, you can increase engagement of your email campaigns by embedding our videos inside your email.
To get started:
- Add a poster to your video within the video settings, this will contain the image that will be displayed in the email.
- Publish the video by hitting the Publish Button on the top right in the video editor.
- In the pop up, click on the email tab where you can copy the generated code for your email. You adjust settings such as placement and adding clickable options below the video.
- Click copy code and paste it into your email. If you are using an email provider, such as Postmark, MailChimp, or SendGrid, you may wish to click "Copy for Template" instead.
- Now create a new email and simple paste in the copied code.
You've now successfully added an interactive layer into your emails! Get ready to see your click rates skyrocket!